Food Industry

The food industry has many uses for gas detection.  Multi-channel portables will be used for confined space work.  These again will typically be the responsibility of the safety manager.  In addition they may have specific requirements for individual gas monitors (SGT-P type) for a range of toxic gases.  Typical examples are;

 Food manufactured



 Jam, preserves, sauces


 Used as a sterilising agent when cleaning production plant between batches.

 Frozen foods


 Used as a refrigerant.  See below

 All Foods


 User for sterilising area’s

 Pet Foods


 By product of meat rendering



 Used to kill poultry.

 Processed Foods


 Liquid nitrogen often used in the process for freezing and fast chilling.  Leaks can deplete the oxygen level.

Fixed systems could be used for all the above applications and usually are.  The main thing to remember in the food industry is that any piece of equipment that is likely to be hosed down regularly and therefore care is needed in siting fixed heads and particularly panels.